
Stockspy app refund
Stockspy app refund

stockspy app refund

stockspy app refund


You take full responsibility for determining that you have the right to monitor the device on which the Licensed Software is installed. For information on how to request a refund for digital games, Xbox apps (excluding movies and tv apps), digital gaming bundle offers, and digital durable and consumable games, such as games season passes, virtual currency, and microtransactions, whether made available through the Xbox console device or on your PC (collectively Digital Game. Use a pro-only feature to begin the purchase process. If you were charged for a subscription that you no longer want, you can also cancel the subscription.

stockspy app refund

Choose the app, subscription, or other item, then choose Submit. Make sure you're logged into the Mac App Store with the same account you used before. Tap or click 'I'd like to,' then choose 'Request a refund.' Choose the reason why you want a refund, then choose Next. You should consult your own legal advisor with respect to legality of using the Licensed Software in the manner you intend to use it prior to downloading, installing, and using it. How to Re-enable Pro, free of charge If you purchased the StockSpy for Mac Pro in-app-purchase you don't need to pay again to activate Pro on a new or second Mac. The violation of this requirement could result in severe monetary and criminal penalties imposed on the violator. The law generally requires you to notify users/ owners of the device that it is being monitored. It is the violation of the United States federal and/or state law and your local jurisdiction law to install surveillance software, such as the Licensed Software, onto a mobile phone or other device you do not have the right to monitor.

Stockspy app refund